How To Become Hacker

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What is Hacker ?

A hacker is a person who uses computers to gain unauthorized access to data. The term hacker is defines someone who attempts to break into the computer systems.

Who is Hacker ?

Any clever programmer can be called as hacker. In computer security world, a hacker is someone who seeks and exploits weakness in a computer system or computer networks.

Essential skills to become a master hacker

To become a master hacker, there are a lot of computer topics which you must have to know to become an advance hacker. Since hacking is not the game of day and night, it is the game of fever. You have to set in your mind like a fever of hacking, means just set in your mind that you want to become a hacker means you want to become a hacker. For that what i have to do, i will do, but i have to become a hacker. After fitting this concepts into your mind, no one can stop you to become a hacker. The basic knowledge and essential skills which you have to become an advance and master hacker are :
  • Computer Fundamentals - First get the essential knowledge about how computer works, how CPU works and also get some knowledge about computer Hardwares. Y
  • C Programming Language - C and C++  is recommended programming language for hackers. C and C++ is widely used by hackers, and this is the main programming language used by anyone who want to hack anything. Since it is the basic programming language and is fast as assembly language. It is closest to the UNIX since UNIX is totally written in C. 
  • HTML - HTML stands for Hypertext Markup Language. HTML is the basic language in developing web pages. So know, how to write HTML to become an internet hacker. Without knowing how to write HTML, you can't be an internet hacker.
  • Networking - Get some knowledge about networking, get basic knowledge about wireless technologies to become wireless hacker.
  • SQL or MySQL - Choose any Database language, SQL is recommended. SQL is used to create, update, delete, modify data in the databases. Learn SQL to become database hacker. 
  • PHP - Learn php since PHP is used to connect forms or web pages to the databases. PHP is widely used by hacker. So learn PHP to become email account hacker. 
  • Python - Learn python since Python is a scripting language which is widely used by hackers.
  • JavaScript - Learn JavaScript since JavaScript is mainly used to track the user's information over the internet. It can also helps Hacker to escape after hacking. 
  • UNIX & Linux - Learn about UNIX commanding since UNIX is the main knowledge to become a hacker. Learn all UNIX commands which are used bye hackers for hacking purposes. 
  • Cryptography - Learn cryptography to know how encryption and decryption works. Since for hacking or getting secret information, decryption algorithms and knowledge always required. Learn Cryptography to become an expert hacker
